Weight loss course

slim woman measuring waist and holding bowl of salad

Starting on Wednesday 11 January! Get your tickets via the button below.

Would you like to lose weight in a way:

  • that’s healthy and sustainable
  • that doesn’t involve counting calories
  • that allows you to feel satisfied with delicious food?

My successful 6-week group course, Healthy Weight Loss for Life will help you do just that. Meeting weekly, you will learn how:

  • to become a fat burner
  • to plan your plate to lose weight while still feeling full
  • to identify and change aspects of your lifestyle which might be preventing you from losing weight
  • to develop strategies for dealing with eating out, holidays and travel
  • weight loss can help with pre-existing health conditions

Previous course attendees said:

“I am SO pleased I did this course and not just for the fact I lost almost a stone in weight. I’ve found a freedom from relying on snacking now I’ve learned about blood sugar. Being able to go shopping etc and not worry that I’m going to start feeling faint or get woozy due to low blood sugar has been fantastic. I had a ‘relapse’ as I was away for a few days and the new way of eating was not possible. Within a couple of days I felt bloated, had acid reflux and stomach pains and couldn’t control hunger pangs so had to keep snacking and also felt anxious etc. I realised that those mild feelings had always been there but after the six weeks of the course, they weren’t there anymore. Highly recommended.”

“The word diet was never mentioned, it was all about being good to your body and if you are, you will naturally lose weight. Once I started listening to my body I was automatically going for the healthier option…. I learnt something new each week.”

“I felt the changes that were introduced each week were manageable. I had a good understanding of why I wanted to make changes and why I SHOULD make changes to benefit my long term health. I have some (layperson) knowledge about nutrition but I couldn’t make the links between different pieces of information. Now I have a better understanding of how different foods interact with my different body systems…. I must thank you for the changes that you have helped me to make. I needed this to kickstart me back to eating in a way that supports my body to stay healthy.”

“Thank you Joan for a great course. I definitely will not be returning to Slimming World!”

“Thank you Joan! The course has challenged me and made me re-examine what I’m doing to myself with my drug of choice – food! I’ve been able to re-think some of my attitudes towards good/bad/healthy/unhealthy food in the context of science. This has allowed me to take the emotion out of it. I’m more interested in what we’re eating than I have been for a long time…..I’m very glad to have worked with you.”

The next course is starting on 11 January 2023! This course only runs once a year, and places are limited.

If you can’t make it this time but are interested in taking part in the future, don’t worry. Sign up to the waiting list (no obligation) using the signup form below and I’ll let you know every time the course is running.

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