Do you eat seasonally? We have evolved to eat with the seasons, and while autumn brings comfort food for cold days such as squashes and roots, spring brings a certain amount of bitter tastes! In spring, we start to see an increasing availability of fresh greens. There are wild plants that can be foraged, such as wild garlic or even humble dandelion leaves, as well as cultivated crops like spring greens and spinach.… Read the rest
Category: Nutrition
Eating Healthily on a Budget
Healthy food and the cost of living crisis: are the two incompatible? At present, many people are having to look at every aspect of their household budget to try to find cost savings. With the price of commonly purchased foods and drinks having risen by 5.9% in the year to March 20221, you might be looking at your weekly grocery bill and wondering how you can make some savings.… Read the rest
Is Soy Safe to Eat After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis?
Today’s blog post is especially for all my readers who have had a breast cancer diagnosis. Out of all the frequently asked questions about nutrition and breast cancer, the question of whether or not to eat soy must be the one I get asked the most! Soy is a known phytoestrogen (plant oestrogen), but does that mean that it is safe to eat, or should it be avoided if you wish to reduce your risk of recurrence, particularly if you had a cancer that was hormone receptor positive?… Read the rest
How Your Oral Microbiome Affects Your Health
I’m sure that if you are reading this, you have heard about the gut microbiome and how important it is, not just for the health of our digestive system but for our overall health. (If you’d like a refresher, read my posts Beat The Bloat Part 4: The Gut Microbiome and The Many Benefits of Eating a Rainbow.)… Read the rest
Acid Reflux, Heartburn and the Surprising Importance of Stomach Acid
Acid reflux, commonly called heartburn – are you prone to it? If so, you’ll probably recognise some of the typical symptoms: a feeling of burning in the upper chest area after eating, worsening symptoms with fatty or spicy meals, burping, a chronic cough, and perhaps a feeling that you have a lump in your throat. It’s not pleasant and it can be very anxiety-inducing.… Read the rest
Food To Help Your Mental Health & Resilience In Lockdown
How are you feeling? If your honest answer is that you’ve felt happier, then you are not alone. The timing of England’s 3rd national lockdown, in these dark January days, has even affected many people who have not previously had any concerns around their mental health. For those who suffered from depression, anxiety or other mental health concerns before the pandemic, the latest restrictions are a real challenge.… Read the rest
Navigating Christmas Food: A Tale of Joy and Health
Food is an integral part of the celebration of Christmas. Office parties may be out this year, but perhaps because of the restrictions this year, there may be even more focus on food at home this Christmas. I know that when my children have spoken to me about their disappointment at not being able to meet some of the people we usually do at Christmas or have some of our usual outings, I have tried to cheer them up by saying, “but we’ll still have plenty of lovely food at home.”… Read the rest
The Many Benefits of Eating the Rainbow
Who doesn’t love a rainbow? In the West, the rainbow is a symbol of hope. In Hindu culture, the colours of the rainbow represent the body’s 7 energy centres, or chakras. The chakra association with colour is interesting, as it suggests that access to all colours is important for our energetic health.
You may also have heard the advice to “eat the rainbow”.… Read the rest
Broccoli sprouts and broccoli sprout juice – superfoods for female hormone balance?
As a breast cancer thriver as well as a registered nutritional therapist, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that I have a special interest in working with women with or after breast cancer. From a prevention point of view, I also love to work with women with hormone imbalances to restore balance and reduce cancer risk.… Read the rest
Beat the Bloat Part 4: The Gut Microbiome
It’s been a while since the last instalment in my series on bloating, mainly due to COVID-19 coming into the world and turning all our lives upside down. So before I set that right, let’s recap on what I’ve covered so far.
- In Part 1, we looked at the ways in which you eat your food can make a difference, and that slowing down and eating mindfully can make a difference
- Part 2 was all about lifestyle factors such as sleep and exercise that can contribute to or reduce bloating
- In Part 3 we finally got around to food, discussing particular foods that commonly trigger bloating in susceptible people, and foods that tend to be calming
Before going on, it’s important to reiterate that persistent bloating that is not typical for you can be a symptom of ovarian cancer.… Read the rest